Effective Treatments for Burn Injuries

Burns are caused by extreme damage to multiple skin layers due to external sources like chemicals or heat. Being aware of burn injury treatments, even basic ones can help decrease pain and aid in the healing of all types of burns. 

Burn injuries are classified based on the degree of severity. First-degree burns are regarded as the least severe among all burn injuries since it only affects the outer skin layer. Second-degree burns have an effect on the deeper layers of skin and may cause shiny, wet, and white skin including blisters. Both first and second-degree burns are smaller than three inches in diameter and can be treated at home.

Third-degree burns involve damage to the deepest portions of the skin, whereas fourth-degree burns affect bones and joints. These types of burns are regarded as medical emergencies since they require immediate treatment at the hospital. Some patients may require cosmetic or plastic surgery and skin grafting to heal from these more severe burns.

Home Remedies for Burn Injuries

Mild burns may take one to two weeks to heal completely and they normally do not cause scarring. The goal of home remedies for burn injury treatment is to promote faster healing, prevention of infection, and pain reduction.

Here are some home remedies to care for your burn injuries:

Cool water and a cool compress

Run the burned area under cool water — not very cold water — for around 20 minutes. The burned area should also be washed well with mild soap and water.

A clean wet cloth or cool compress can alleviate swelling and pain in the burn area. The cool compress should be applied in five to fifteen-minute intervals. Excessively cold compresses should not be used since they may cause more irritation to the burn injuries.

Topical antibacterial applications

Infection of burned skin can be prevented through the application of antibiotic creams and ointments. Antibacterial ointments can be applied to the burn then covered with a sterile cloth or non-fluffy dressing as well as cling film or plastic wrap.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera has always been considered the “burn plant”. It has demonstrated significant evidence in terms of its healing properties for first- and second-degree burns. It inhibits bacterial growth, promotes blood circulation, and is anti-inflammatory. Pure aloe gel should be applied directly to the burn area. If aloe vera gel is purchased from a store, make sure that it has high aloe vera content. Avoid products that may contain perfumes, coloring, and other additives, as these could irritate the burned skin.

Manuka honey

Manuka honey helps in minor burn injury healing, especially with topical application. This is due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties.

Sun exposure reduction

Direct sun exposure may worsen the burn area since burned skin is very sensitive to heat and ultraviolet radiation. Keep the burn area covered and protected through the use of sterile dressings.

Avoid popping blisters

It may be quite tempting to pop the blisters that appear on your skin as a result of a burn, but it’s better not to touch them. Popping a blister may result in infection. Seek medical help if you have worries regarding blisters that have formed because of your burn.

Over-the-counter pain relievers

Over-the-counter pain relievers like naproxen and ibuprofen may be taken. Make sure to follow the directions on the label for the correct dosage of these pain relievers. 

Treatment for severe burn injuries

A hydrocolloid dressing, which is a patch-type dressing with gel-forming agents in a water-resistant outer layer, can be used for mild to moderate burn wounds. Most of these need minimal maintenance, can be easily applied, and are effective. These types of dressings should be changed every three to five days. For second-degree burns, it is best to undergo medical treatment for wounds to heal well. 

Wound dressings should be utilized in the treatment of severe burn injuries, and it is recommended to wait for a prescription from your doctor before making a purchase. Your injuries may be covered by your medical insurance, most minor wound care products are covered and maybe bought over-the-counter.

The probability of effective healing and successful treatment can be increased through the proper identification and understanding of the damage to the skin caused by burns. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to seek legal help according to the extent of your burn injuries if caused by the negligence of others. Hospitalization is recommended especially for third and fourth-degree burns or if ten percent or more of your body is burned, and for burns that have reached the joints, genitals, feet, hands, or face. NO matter the severity of your burn injuries, take plenty of time to care for yourself to help the healing process.

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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