Bullies and Their Victims Want Cosmetic Surgery More Than the Average Teenager

cosmetic surgery

A study by the University of Warwick concluded that bullies and their victims are more likely to want to undergo cosmetic surgery compared to adolescents who are not involved in any form of bullying. We know that bullying has an emotional and psychological impact on its victims. But are we aware that it even impacts the way bullied victims see their bodies?

The desire for rhinoplasty in Colorado or other states, for instance, is higher in adolescents who have been bullied. The prevalence is particularly higher in bullied girls. They suffer from poor psychological functioning. They think that the way they look is the reason their peers bully them. This has such a significant impact on their psychological, mental, and emotional functions. By going through cosmetic surgery, bullied victims see themselves as better. They believe that they won’t be bullied anymore because they look and feel better about themselves.

Bullied Victims and Cosmetic Surgery

Peer victimization has a direct effect on how adolescents see themselves. When they are bullied, girls, in particular, feel that they have fallen victim to these bullies because they are not as good-looking or as attractive as them. Come summertime, they cajole their parents to allow them to change the way they look. They go under the knife in the hope that the bullying will stop the following school year.

Low self-esteem contributes to these feelings. When parents don’t take a proactive role in their children’s lives, they end up believing what these bullies tell them. That’s why parents must be aware of their kids’ activities in school. Who are their friends? What are they involved in? Whom do they hang out with? If your kid never tells you about a friend or never asks permission to go to the movies with their friends, start investigating what they could be facing in school.

Bullies and Plastic Surgery

woman undergoing plastic surgery

Bullies want to go under the knife, too. Studies show that bullies actually have low self-esteem, but they choose to cover it up by bullying others they feel are superior to them. Most of these bullies want to have cosmetic surgery because they want to be admired. They want to be looked up to by their peers. They want to solidify their hold over their peers. They see the way they look as the reason their peers are going to follow their lead.

Parents should also play an active role in not only making sure that their kids are not bullied but also assuring themselves that their kids will not turn into bullies. You will know that through your kid’s peers. You’ll see them hanging out in your house. What do they talk about? How do they talk about their peers? If there’s even one sign that your kid has become a bully, talk to them and help them change their ways.

The study suggests that doctors screen their patients’ mental and psychological state before surgery. If the patients are victims of bullying, the doctors must suggest counseling first. If, after the counseling, the patients still want to have the surgery, then the doctors may do so. It’s important to help patients first understand the risks they face.

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