There are four stages of drug use – the experimentation process when a person tries drugs first, regular usage and high-risk usage. The fourth stage is the addiction stage, where a person cannot live without the drug their nervous system is used to consuming.
Substance use disorder (SUD) is tough to overcome, and the longer you stay on it, the harder it is to break from the addiction.
Let’s talk about how drug addiction can impact you, as well as how to overcome it.
7 Ways Drug Addiction Can Affect You
Many people who try standard rehabilitation programs may complete detox successfully, only for the urge to use n again after a few months. Relapse, as it’s known, can lead to significant long-term costs with subsequent enrollments in detox. That’s why finding the right rehab program is important.
Many rehab programs are available across the country; each designed to meet the needs of the patient, from a traditional inpatient facilities in Arizona to a luxury drug detox in San Francisco.
Home rehab services help break the circle of recurring addiction more effectively compared to other methods. Patients can stay surrounded by family and get treatment in the comfort of their home, which helps them fight addiction without disturbing their schedule.
More than that, in-home detox is typically customized to the patient’s needs. In other words, there are no one-size fits-all programs. Instead, patients are empowered to recognize drug use triggers and prevent relapse on their own.
Hallucinations and altered reality
Persons with SUD experience a wide range of negative effects, such as paranoia, various hallucinations and nerve-related complications, among others. They may also experience social anxiety, losing self-respect and resort to illegal activities to get money for drugs.
Some types of drug addiction can also induce various hallucinations and cause paranoia. In these cases, the patient cannot differentiate between the actual reality and the altered reality their hallucinations create. The hallucinations become terrible, causing tremors, shakes and violent behavior towards anyone approaching them.
If addiction is not treated, cognitive abilities decline as their central nervous system gets affected. The best way to overcome this issue is to use NAD IV therapy, which helps control brain fog, repair cellular damage caused by drug use and boost cognitive functions.
Concentration issues

Concentration issues are common for a person with SUD as their memory gets affected, and they lose the ability to focus. It affects their studies, work-life and relationships; this usually occurs in the third level or high-risk usage stage.
The best way to treat this is to reduce drug dependence, which can be done through detox, regular exercise, stress relief practices, and energizing the opioid receptors. Coenzyme cellular repair with NAD+, proper intervention treatment and diverting the patient’s interest towards their passion also help to increase their concentration. You can also consider using nad iv drip therapy to treat the addiction.
Social anxiety and low self-esteem
Self-hate and isolation are very common among patients, and over time, they may try to avoid interaction with other people. This can cause drastic issues in friendships and relationships, significantly affecting their social life.
Psychiatric treatment, counseling, staying in the company of sober people and providing the right interventions to overcome addiction step-by-step are a few ways to overcome the issue. Good home rehab services comprise all these services and provide quality treatment in the patient’s home.
Nausea and vomiting
The normal perception of taste perception starts to change after the second level of addiction, and many patients cannot taste normally by the fourth level. This prevents the person from eating nutritious food or enjoying the taste. With some types of drugs, nausea and vomiting are common, making it that much harder to get the necessary nutrients.
On top of that, drug use causes the body to lose the essential nutrients necessary to function normally, even as the nervous system craves more drugs to stay heightened. This, in turn, can cause significant weight loss and other health issues as the patient becomes vitamin deficient.
Detoxing, curbing the craving, and increasing the natural energy level in the body through medications help overcome these symptoms.
Cardiac issues
Drug addiction can be hard on the heart, with some relapse symptoms including increased heart rate, panic attacks and sudden increase in blood pressure. Heart palpitations can turn serious, causing fatal heart attacks in some instances.
Expert medical treatment with the right interventions is necessary to safely detox from the drug and prevent cardiac issues. Home detox services will provide an onsite nurse to monitor the patient’s vitals closely and call for immediate medical help if any cardiac issues symptoms arise.
Anger induced problems
Many types of drugs can cause severe anger issues. Violent anger can lead to bad decisions, like stealing or hurting someone without thinking. The best way to treat drug-induced anger is to get comprehensive treatment to address all the underlying issues.
A complete rehab program is necessary to help patients regain emotional and physical control.
The road to recovery is not easy, especially when misconceptions surround rehabilitation. But it begins with a singular step toward the future. Once that step is taken in the right direction, the path to healing will unfold.