Useful Tips to Combat Acne

woman holding her hair

Acne is often the most unpleasant skin issue for both men and women. And the truth is, there are still people who use makeup to cover their blemishes without actually taking steps to treat their acne and heal their skin. 

That’s not something that should be judged, however, because not everyone is equally informed about this topic. Therefore, if you’re having persistent acne that simply won’t go away, then it’s important to learn some useful tips that will help you combat acne, or at least, reduce it to a reasonable minimum. 

Here are some of those tips that you might consider for your skin. 

Don’t touch your face often 

Your fingertips are home to many bacteria, and if you touch your face often, then chances are those same bacteria will end up on your face and cause further breakouts. Another thing to avoid is popping pimples and blackheads. You may have the urge to do so but doing this may only lead to more skin problems and infection.

You should be touching your face only when doing your morning and evening skincare routine. Sure, quitting this habit might be easier said than done, but with a bit of discipline, it’s possible to do so. Face touching is one of the damaging skin habits that you should definitely get rid of. 

Establish a good skincare routine

The truth is, you don’t need a routine consisting of multiple steps, especially if you’re trying to heal from acne. Using a cleanser, a targeted facial serum and a moisturizer will be more than enough. However, it’s important to choose products that are free from harmful ingredients that can cause irritation and allergies. Natural ingredients are gentler on the skin, and they don’t strip away the natural oils that protect us from the elements. Goat milk soap, for instance, is a great example of a natural cleanser. It’s made from goat milk, which is rich in nutrients and vitamins that help to nourish the skin. And because goat milk soap is free of harsh chemicals, it’s ideal for people with sensitive skin. If you’re looking for a natural skincare option that will help your skin look and feel its best, you can opt for tea tree oil soap as well. The tea tree oil is known to have calming effects on the skin and works very well with acne-prone and sensitive skin. Make sure to ask your dermatologist or trusted aesthetician to help you with some recommendations. 

Modify your diet

Even though there’s no definite claim that supports the link between one’s diet and skin health, that doesn’t mean that certain foods won’t cause acne, especially if consumed in large amounts. 

Usually, refined sugars and grains, fast food, dairy products, and whey protein powder tend to cause breakouts, which is why it’s important to monitor your skin if you love to eat these on a regular basis. Depriving yourself of your favorite food will only make you cranky and susceptible to cravings, so the only way forward is eating everything you like in moderation. 

Use some extra tips and tools 

Sometimes, products and lifestyle changes can only do so much, and if that’s the case with you, then feel free to incorporate some extra tips and tools. Using a quality hot towel for acne can help remove grit, oil, and other bacteria from your face. However, it’s important to use a towel made of the best fabrics that won’t irritate the skin and make it more prone to irregularities. Other things worth considering are face masks, exfoliating products, and various massage tools. 

Remove makeup regularly 

Makeup is what we need to cover blemishes and other skin imperfections, but in order to have clear skin, it’s crucial to remove makeup on a regular basis especially before bedtime. 

Sure, sometimes you might feel too tired to do so, but keep in mind that sleeping with your makeup on can lead to clogged pores, pimples, and premature aging. Makeup wipes, although practical, can also damage the skin tissue, so it’s better to opt for double cleansing or quality micellar water. 

Change your pillowcases

Your pillowcases are home to bacteria that can cause infection, and changing them regularly can improve the state of your skin, mainly if you’re dealing with acne on your cheeks and cheekbones. Also, when shopping for new pillowcases, make sure to buy those made from fewer fabrics such as bamboo, silk, linen, and satin, as they’re a gentler alternative to cotton and polyester that can trigger acne due to trapping oil and bacteria from the face. 

Consult a professional 

If nothing else works, and you’ve tried really hard, then it’s time to consult a professional. First, you should talk to your general physician in order to eliminate some health issues that might be behind your acne problems. Illnesses such as PCOS or Cushing syndrome can cause severe acne, which is why it’s important to make sure that everything’s fine before moving on to other treatments. 

Consult your dermatologist for effective treatments and don’t just rely on skincare trends and myths or flashy products for skincare.


Your skin is the largest organ in your body, which is why it’s essential to treat it with love, care, and patience. These tips might help you reduce the appearance of acne, however, feel free to try out other tips as well with proper guidance from a professional.

Treating acne is often about trial and error, so as long as you’re gentle and patient with yourself, you’ll be able to see some positive results. These are simple tips that can help you with your skin issues and keep your skin flawless, but when it comes to treatments always consult a dermatologist first.

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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