4 Modern Alternatives to Traditional Braces


If the very thought of having metal attached to your teeth gives you goosebumps, then it may be the time to consider some other options for correcting that crooked smile.

Metal braces are one of the most common ways to straighten your teeth, but there are many more ways to correct them. With improved technology and various unique orthodontic treatments, wearing metal braces on your teeth is a thing of the past.

While the alternative treatments usually are more expensive than traditional braces, it’s a small price to pay for getting your teeth straightened in style, according to this reputable Dentist in Orlando. Here are the four alternatives to traditional braces that will help you get the best version of your smile. So, say cheese, and let’s get started!

Clear Aligners

Clear Aligners are one of the most popular methods of straightening your teeth without using the traditional braces- and for a good reason. This process is almost invisible as a series of about 20-30 plastic aligners are custom-made to fit over your teeth and correct various smile issues. The aligners are also famously known as Invisalign, and they are switched out every two weeks for the duration of the treatment. The average length of treatment is about 12 months for adults, although the treatment duration can be increased depending on the serving and complexity of the correction needed.

Clear aligners do need to be removed every time that you eat and drink, which might be a drawback for some patients. However, the fact that you can easily remove them allows for easier brushing, flossing, and better periodontal health. One thing to keep in mind is that the clear aligner treatment isn’t appropriate for all dental issues, as some cases are too severe for the aligner to correct.

Incognito Hidden Braces

As their name suggests, Incognito Hidden Braces are completely invisible as they are placed on the backside of the teeth where they are out of sight. They are also called lingual braces; they are customized for every patient and can, therefore, be used to treat most orthodontic issues.

For minor dental correction, Incognito Lite Hidden Braces are designed specially to fix just the six social teeth visible at the front of the mouth. While they are quite more expensive than the traditional metal braces, the advantages are many, too, with their genuinely “incognito” status, effectiveness, and customizability.

Given the fact that the braces are placed behind your teeth, and just next to your tongue, they might be uncomfortable at first while you adjust to them. They also are a little challenging to clean.

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are the most similar to traditional braces. They are of the same size and shape as their metal counterparts, but they have clear brackets or enamel colors that blend them with your teeth. Some even use tooth-colored wires to make them less noticeable.

The brackets require more care, as they can stain easily. So it’s essential to carefully monitor the consumption of certain types of food and drinks such as coffee, blueberries, and red wine.

Cosmetic dentistry

The fourth teeth-correcting alternative to traditional braces in our list is cosmetic dentistry in the form of dental bonding or porcelain veneers.

If you want to avoid the use of braces at all, dental veneers are a reliable option though a more extreme one. The veneers are wafer-thin, hard shells made with porcelain that are permanently bonded to the teeth that are crooked, discolored, chipped, misaligned, or having spacing issues. The most incredible thing is that they are resilient to staining, and since they are firmly attached to teeth, they are strong, durable, and grounded. Generally, veneers provide a significant improvement in a short time. However, for this treatment, you need to remove the surface enamel of each tooth – it’s an irreversible procedure – and they need to be replaced every five to ten years. Dental bonding is another procedure that is being used to improve spacing and shaping issues that need to be treated by braces. With bonding, a resin material is used to fill in spaces and cover imperfections. The bonding hardens with time, so it will remain in place and become more robust. Though they are only best for someone who has to make small improvements to teeth.

Wrapping Up

These are the four alternatives to traditional braces that will help you fix the issues with your teeth. If you don’t like the idea of having metal around your teeth, these treatments are perfect for you. Though these treatments are quite expensive as compared to traditional braces, they are totally worth it.

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