What Questions Should I Ask At An Orthodontist Consultation For Invisalign?


Your first orthodontic consultation before starting Invisalign can be both exciting and daunting. It is exciting because it’s an opportunity to straighten out your smile, and daunting because it’s natural to be worried about the pain, cost, and success of the procedure. It makes sense to clarify your doubts with the orthodontist before you sink into the chair so that you are confident and happy about the decision. As a patient, you are entitled to know what to expect before going ahead with the treatment. Here are the questions you must ask at your consultation for Invisalign.

How will the treatment start?

Since Invisalign is a relatively new procedure compared to conventional braces, you may not have many friends who have already tried it. Asking the specialist about the procedure is a good idea. They will explain the entire process, which is personalized according to the patient’s condition. The orthodontist will scan your teeth and take a physical impression to have made-to-fit Invisalign trays for straightening your teeth. They would have to fix up other dental issues before proceeding — for example, you can fix that toothache with this invisalign dentist in paramus.

How long will it last?

Before you dive, you will also want to know the expected duration of the treatment. It depends on individual factors such as the condition of your teeth, the kind of treatment, and adherence to instructions. Mild cases get significant results in eighteen months, while you may have to wear the braces for years for a major correction. The orthodontist can give you only an estimate on the completion of treatment, so don’t expect a firm timeline.

How much will it cost?

Perhaps, the most important thing you will have on top of your mind during the consultation is the cost of treatment. The cost of Invisalign varies, again depending on your current condition. Be upfront about the question and ask so that you are financially ready for this expensive treatment. Thankfully, clinics offer easy monthly payment plans to ensure that your wallet doesn’t suffer. You can also check with your insurance company to inquire if they provide coverage for the treatment.

How often will you need to visit the orthodontist?

The treatment can extend over a couple of years, so you must ask about the frequency of visits. It is important because you will need to adjust your schedule to accommodate them. Fortunately, you will not have to check with the orthodontist every month as with traditional braces. Once in every two or three months is enough for most patients, though you may have to drop in if there is an emergency.

Is it as effective as traditional braces?

When you opt for innovative treatment, results are always a concern. Do ask the specialist about the efficacy of Invisalign because you will want to know if it is as effective as traditional braces. The good news is that results are comparable, though Invisalign is barely noticeable. You get predictable and lasting results without worrying about self-esteem issues that often come with regular braces.

These questions pretty much cover all doubts you may have during an initial consultation. You can ask more questions such as those related to precautions and dental emergencies. Don’t hesitate because you must move ahead with trust and confidence.

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