The Science Behind Trampolines at Home: Boosting Health and Wellness


Trampolines aren’t just for fun; they can also contribute to your health! According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, using a trampoline at home can provide many health benefits for both kids and adults. Over 100,000 trampoline injuries occur each year, often due to misuse or lack of supervision. When used correctly, trampolines offer a safe and beneficial form of exercise.

How Trampolines Work

When you jump on a trampoline, the mat absorbs some of the force and then pushes it back up. This lifts you in the air for another bounce. Repeating this motion trains your body in balance, coordination, strength, and agility. The repetitive up-and-down motions also trigger the release of endorphins in your brain, which contribute to feelings of happiness.

Benefits for Your Heart and Lungs

Jumping on a trampoline at home provides an excellent exercise for your cardiovascular system – your heart and lungs. When you bounce up and down repeatedly on your home trampoline, your muscles demand more oxygen to keep working. This causes your heart rate and breathing to speed up as your cardiovascular system works harder to pump oxygenated blood through your body.

Trampolines you use in your own backyard or playroom force your heart and lungs to strengthen in order to power all the nonstop motion happening on them. Therefore, trampolines at home can provide highly effective cardiovascular workouts.

Trampoline Exercise vs Running

Studies by science and medical experts have compared exercising on a trampoline to running. They found that jumping on a mini-trampoline, also called a rebounder, can give nearly the same cardio workout as jogging. But it puts less stress on your joints than pounding on the pavement!

The following table highlights the distinct cardiovascular advantages of trampolining in comparison to running:



Impact on Joints

Gentler on joints like knees and ankles

Hard impact on joints over time

Heart Rate

Works heart and lungs to near-max capacity raising heart rate

Raises heart rate to peak capacity

Calorie Burn

Burns lots of calories – about the same as running per minute

Burns lots of calories


Enjoyable activity easier to stick with

Can be tiring activity

As you can see, trampoline exercise can drive up your pulse and breathing rates to intensely strengthen your circulatory system. Furthermore, it offers comparable health benefits to running while being gentler on the joints.

How Trampolines Strengthen Your Heart

When you engage in cardio exercise, your heart adapts and remodels itself. This makes your heart muscle more efficient at pumping oxygen-rich blood through the lungs and body. Specific heart health gains from trampoline bouncing include

  1. Expanded heart volume – The heart’s chambers stretch to handle increased blood flow during exercise. Over time, this causes a useful enlargement of the heart’s pumping capacity.

  2. Lower resting heart rate – Long-term cardio exercise lowers your heart rate when at rest. A healthy heart beats slower when not exercising, demonstrating improved fitness.

  3. Increased red blood cells – The bone marrow makes more red blood cells to transport oxygen. This helps meet muscular demands for oxygen during workouts.

  4. Improved blood vessel function – Exercise stimulates the growth of tiny collateral blood vessels that circulate oxygenated blood.

How Trampolines Build Up Your Lungs

The lungs also grow stronger as you use a trampoline. Here’s what happens inside the lungs with regular trampoline bouncing:

  1. Lung capacity expands – Lungs can hold more air, delivering greater oxygen to the bloodstream.

  2. Respiratory muscles strengthen – Intercostal and diaphragm muscles work harder to breathe faster and deeper.

  3. Gas exchange efficiency heightens – The alveoli air sacs transfer oxygen to the bloodstream more effectively.

As your cardiovascular endurance improves from regular trampoline bouncing, you may feel less short of breath doing everyday activities. Your heart won’t have to work as hard, and your lung function increases. That helps oxygen transport in the body – the vital process that powers movement and living!

How Trampolines Build Balance

Bouncing on a trampoline forces you to constantly adjust your balance as you land from new angles and quickly bounce back up. This trains the system in your inner ear that controls balance. Called the vestibular system, it contains fluid and sensors to tell your brain which way your head is positioned. Bouncing on an unstable surface like a trampoline mat challenges the vestibular system to work extra hard.

Over time, this strengthens small stabilizer muscles all over your body too. You know – those little muscles around your shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles that keep you upright. Firing those small postural muscles hundreds of times during trampoline exercise builds their endurance. This helps improve your ability to maintain balance for longer periods, whether you’re on the trampoline or simply standing still.

Improving Motor Skills & Coordination

Motor skills are voluntary movements of the muscles that use coordination. Trampolining is a great way to advance children’s motor skills since it works on skills like:

  1. Rhythm – The repetitive bouncing motion establishes an intuitive rhythm kids can attune to.

  2. Timing – Jumping, landing, and quickly recoiling upward again trains a sense of timing in the body.

  3. Flexibility – Bouncing improves range of motion as joints open and close fluidly.

  4. Strength – From finger grip holding the handlebar to larger muscles absorbing landing forces, kids build strength.

  5. Spatial awareness – Midair flipping requires sensing the orientation of your body parts in relation to each other and the trampoline area.

Mastery of these fine and gross motor skills fosters confidence and self-assurance in children regarding their physical abilities.

Building Muscle Endurance

Studies using EMG muscle exams show trampolining intensely engages the major muscle groups like the core, legs, and glutes. This tones and defines muscles. But more importantly, it builds the “staying power” or endurance of these large muscle areas. Because jumping uses no weights, muscles grow lean yet strong through repeated motion over time. So trampolining gives excellent strength training through high reps using the body itself as resistance.

Mental Health Benefits

Scientists have proven exercise releases feel-good chemicals and hormones like serotonin and endorphins. These boost your mood and reduce anxiety. Trampolining is enjoyable, so it doesn’t feel like strenuous exercise. But you still get the emotional perks!

Stress relief – Performing the rhythmic motions of trampoline bouncing can induce a meditative-like calm.

  1. Confidence – As you get better at tricks and flips, trampolining can build a sense of achievement.

  2. Social connection – Playing games or taking classes on trampolines are fun social activities too.

Safety Tips

There are many ways you can get injured while using a trampoline, for instance look at the pie chart below:

Data Source: OrthoInfo

With the right precautions, trampolines can be safe at home:

  • Always supervise kids and limit to one jumper at a time

  • Use protective padding secured to the springs, frame, and floor

  • Place on a level surface away from structures, furniture, and debris

  • Learn fundamental bounce techniques before trying tricks

The science proves trampoline exercise provides stellar health benefits for the body and mind! With the implementation of safety measures, trampolines become an excellent activity for individuals of all ages to enhance their fitness.


Trampolines originated as circus equipment designed to amaze audiences. But scientific research shows mini trampolines provide awesome health benefits with regular use at home! They can make your heart, lungs, muscles, and even brain healthier.

Trampolines exercise your body in ways running simply can’t match. All while being gentle on your joints! Plus they build key abilities like balance, coordination, and agility through play. And they boost mental health by releasing feel-good hormones which reduce stress.

By following safety precautions such as supervision, padding, and employing proper bounce techniques, trampolines become safe and valuable fitness tools. Their unmatched whole-body workout will keep kids energetic and strong while keeping adults young at heart! Consider bringing one home to embark on a journey towards improved health and vitality through bouncing! Scientific evidence confirms that rebounding is one of the most effective exercise techniques available.


1. How much space do I need for a trampoline?

A regular round trampoline needs about 16-18 feet of open outdoor space all around it. Make sure there’s nothing in the “safety zone” around it so bouncers don’t get hurt.

2. How much exercise do you get from a mini trampoline?

Hopping on a mini trampoline can give the same amount of exercise for your heart and lungs as jogging. Just 15 minutes a day provides a good workout. It’s gentle on joints too while still burning lots of calories for weight loss.

3. At what age can kids safely use a trampoline?

Kids aged 6 and up can safely use trampolines, but always with adult supervision. Under 6 is too young because their bones, joints, and brains are still rapidly developing. But with the right precautions, trampolines are a fun and healthy activity for almost all ages!

About the Author

Medical Disclaimer

The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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