Serious injuries: What to Do After Being Involved in a Major Accident


Major accidents can not only be traumatic in the short term but can affect your life long after the event has passed. They often come with serious injuries that can deeply affect your life or those of your loved ones. As well as this, the cost of hospitals and any other necessary medical transitions that you need to make to your life can soon ramp up the costs. This article will help you to navigate these challenges after such life-changing events.

What are major accidents?

The most common major accident that people face in the modern day is that of a car or motor one. There are over one billion motor vehicles in operation around the world and as such, it is likely that if you are involved in an accident, it will be because of a vehicle. However, not all accidents involving motor vehicles need to be serious. Many are minor that only damage the cars. You can see here to know more about the types of accidents that can result in severe injuries. You can see here to know more about the types of accidents that can result in severe injuries.

Sadly, this is not always the case and when a major accident occurs, serious harm can be undertaken by the passengers and drivers of the cars. This can lead to grave injuries including bone breaks, paralysis, brain trauma, and worst of all, death. Whilst it may not be your immediate concern, some actions can be taken after the accident in these cases to put yourself in a better situation financially.

When to make a claim?

This can be a tricky question. Some injuries don’t present themselves as immediately as broken bones or paralysis. Others take weeks and months to manifest. However, if you believe that your injury is directly related to your accident then you have a right to make a claim. Don’t forget that, as well as the immediate effects of the accident such as medical bills, physical therapy, and time off of work, can all be claimed for so can emotional pain and dismemberment.

How can I make a claim?

After contacting your insurance and solicitor, they will establish whether you have a claim to make or not. This can vary for many reasons such as who was at fault or to blame, can this be proved, how much evidence is there for the claim, and so on. This can be a difficult process if the accident itself was not a clear violation by any one party.

Once this is established, it will be down to you to supply the evidence and documentation to the legal team so that they can prove your case. It would be helpful in this part if you have photographic evidence of the accident, the details of those involved and medical documentation of any injury suffered. The legal team will need all of this to establish how much money should be compensated. Their job is to negotiate the highest possible settlement for you.

After this, it is up to you as to whether or not you accept the offer or go back and seek more money.

Major Accidents

Major accidents are terrifying and can make your life more difficult for months if not years. It is always worth investigating if you are due compensations and several companies can do this for you. Don’t sit and suffer.

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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