Opening Office Spaces During The Pandemic? Here’s What To Do!

man looking out the window

We’ve finally reached a level of immunization in the major countries across the world where people can start going back to work. Office places are gearing up to welcome back employees at their workspace, with some semblance of the old life combined with the new normal. While many organizations have already opened up their corporate offices at partial capacity, others are still debating about the right time to go ahead with the same. If you’re on board with switching to working from offices rather than remotely, this is a great time globally. However, there are several things to keep in mind before you bring in your staff. Here are five tips to make sure that your offices are ready for the business as usual mode.

  • Space out seating arrangements and desks: Even though the pandemic is expected to plateau in the next few months, times are still unpredictable. One thing that we have learned from this era is social distancing and how well it can serve us. The same idealogy can be applied to make working spaces more appropriate as per pandemic protocol. This will not only reduce the chances of chain infections but also give more breathing room.
  • Put Sanitation first: No matter what, the new normal consists of being prepared and having the necessary setup in place to ensure the sanitary condition of a workplace stays uncompromised. Make sure to stock up on industrial paper towels, sanitary pads, and liquid soap dispensers in every washroom. Invest in sanitizers, masks, and COVID-19 home tests to keep your employees safe. The home kits for COVID-19 testing come in handy to immediately test if one of your employees displays the symptoms of an infection. Regular sanitization.
  • Low contact snack bar: Providing refreshments are one of the basic facilities at the office pantry, but you can make things safer by creating a snack bar section. Here, your employees can choose from packaged granola, nutritious foods, and more. Looking after your employees and keeping them well-fueled for work will ease some of the office days blues many are sure to experience.
  • Rotational office days: While there are still several cases and variants making rounds, it may not be prudent to call in all the employees together. Many successful businesses have cracked the code for improved efficiency and started creating rotational office visits. This also helps to slowly reintroduce the office staff back into a workplace setting. The transition will take some time to get used to, which is why rotational office visits can be a big bonus.
  • Strict welfare policies for symptomatic employees: Make sure to change your welfare policies as per the working from office module. Since many people are still fearful of being infected, offering them secure welfare policies will help ease some of the anxiety. For your reference of changing rules, keep reading the latest government updates on pandemic policies.

Wrapping Up:

The five tips above can act as a catalyst for the opening of your workspaces by accelerating your progress. Integrate these changes in phases for the best results!

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