Natural Ways To Get An Incredibly Glistening Smile


White and bright teeth are the best ornaments for your smile. Nothing can better enhance your facial aesthetics then wearing a beautiful and glistening smile, and you can get it with this reputable dentist in massapequa ny. However, keeping your teeth bright and white always may seem like a difficult task. There may have been several instances when you would have dismayed looking into the mirror, because of tarnished yellow teeth.

Well, you don’t have to feel so, anymore. Did you know that you can have a naturally white smile without having to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars? Here are 10 ways that can get you a sparkling smile at the comfort of your home.

The Ingredients From Your Kitchen

If you’ve ever wondered, your kitchen has the answer to almost every problem that you have (concerning your health). In fact, your kitchen holds most of the natural secrets for a glistening white smile. And you’ll be surprised to know that you use most of these ingredients almost daily. So, step further to take a look at what these ingredients are.

  • Baking Soda

You use it for baking delicious loaves of bread and pastries. But you can also use it to remove the yellow from your teeth. Although baking soda is mildly abrasive, it doesn’t damage the enamel on your teeth. Moreover, it also prevents bacterial growth in the mouth. That being said, you can mix one part baking soda with two parts water to make a thick paste which you can use to brush your teeth. Notably, you shouldn’t be using this paste daily. Brush your teeth with this paste once or twice a week, and you can expect the results in the coming weeks. Shade by shade, your teeth should start brightening up.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

It has been known for some time now, that apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial properties. It is a great natural whitener for teeth and helps remove plaque and yellow tar from the tooth surface. However, there’s one drawback with using apple cider vinegar. Since it is acidic in nature, it is known for promoting the decay of the tooth enamel. Therefore, it is suggested to be used not very often. The best results could be obtained by diluting it in water and using it as a mouthwash. But, make sure you don’t overuse it. Swish and gargle your mouth for a few minutes just a couple of times in the whole week, and not more than that.

  • Oil Swishing

There are some pieces of evidence that prove oil pulling may help whiten the teeth. Your kitchen has several oils that you can easily use for this technique. But you’ll probably wish to use a low-flavor oil. Sesame oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, and other low-flavor oils are best for oil pulling. The technique is- swishing a small amount of oil in the mouth and rinsing gums and teeth off. In fact, several other pieces of evidence also show that this method can help kill bacteria and remove food particles stuck in crevices between your teeth.

  • Fibrous Fruits

Another noteworthy whitener for teeth is fruits. Yes, fruits are known to contain acids and fiber which can help remove the yellow deposits from the tooth enamel. Fruits like pineapple, papaya, and strawberries are known to help with teeth whitening. However, simply eating these fruits won’t help. It is rather suggested to use a paste made out of these fruits to brush your teeth. Or alternatively, you can use a toothpaste that contains papain and bromelain, which are the primary compounds found in these fruits and known to help with teeth whitening.

Apart from these kitchen ingredients, there are other routines that you can also follow for better results.

Brushing & Flossing

Undoubtedly, brushing your teeth regularly is the best way to maintain your oral hygiene. In fact, dentists and oral health experts regularly urge their patients to brush their teeth twice a day, followed by the floss. It helps maintain the pH in the mouth and remove and acid-forming substances. A number of health problems begin at the oral cavity. Moreover, brushing and flossing helps kill bacteria, avoid plaque, and several other gum and teeth related health problems. Notably, the selection of toothpaste and the type of brush you use matters a lot in this regard. Experts at suggest using fluoride toothpaste to get better results. Similarly, you should choose a softer toothbrush to avoid causing injuries to your gums which may escalate bacterial growth and cause several other problems like gingivitis. Likewise, you should practice brushing your teeth in an up and down motion. It would help remove any stuck food particles from within the crevices of your denture.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a well-known bleaching agent and is easily found in most houses. You can use it to whiten your teeth. Plus, it kills bacteria. However, there are a few potential side effects of using hydrogen peroxide. For starters, it can cause decaying of the tooth enamel. Therefore, some caution is needed when using it for teeth whitening. You can use a 1.5% solution of hydrogen peroxide, but notably, before you brush your teeth and as a mouthwash. It could also be used in combination with baking soda to increase its effectiveness. But then again, you shouldn’t be using it too frequently- twice a week is just apt for good results.

While you practice a good regime for your whitening your teeth, you should also practice some prevention methods that can reduce the yellowing of your teeth. For example, avoiding sugary substances should your top priority. Besides, alcohol and tobacco smoking should also be avoided. Whenever you eat or drink something, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. And lastly, you should practice a good regime for brushing and flossing your teeth. If you can keep up with these practices, you will surely see good results in a matter of days. Moreover, your overall health should also begin to improve. After all, as already mentioned, most of the health problems begin from the mouth, and therefore maintaining proper oral hygiene should be your utmost health goal.

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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