First Aid For A Dog Bite: Steps To Take To Prevent Infection


Dogs are often referred t as our best friends, and while the vast majority showcase exceptional loyalty, there are a select few that do not. When considering the potential severity of dog bite injuries, learning first aid steps and being able to treat injuries immediately after the attack can essentially prevent devastating outcomes.

While treating the injury as soon as possible is logically the first concern when you or a loved one has endured a traumatising attack, it is also vital to understand that in most cases, the victim of the attack is able to seek compensation from the owner of the dog. Pursuing a case will require the assistance of legal representation, which can be found on the Lamber Goodnow site. Even if you are reluctant to pursue compensation, the effort may ultimately save you from crippling debt burdens that often arise from medical care.

However, regardless of whether or not you decide to seek compensation for injuries sustained, you should consider the following steps to take after enduring a dog bite.

Stop The Bleeding

The first step of treating a dog bite wound is to stop the bleeding. This can be done with a clean towel or cloth that is pressed down onto the wound. In most cases, you will need to apply pressure to the wound and elevate the area to slow circulation.

Clean The Wound

Dog bite wounds are significantly tricky to clean as wounds can be exceptionally messy. However, cleaning the area as soon as the bleeding has slowed is vital. This can be done by pouring a watered-down saline solution directly onto the wound. You won’t be able to wipe the wound depending on the severity as it may cause further damage.

Wrap The Wound

After cleaning the area thoroughly with a saline solution, you should wrap it with sterile bandages. Using a thick bandage is usually best to maximize coverage. It is also a plausible idea to cover the wound with gauze before wrapping as this enhances the breathability. Your wrapping should not be too tight, but rather comfortable enough to get you or your injured loved one to the nearest hospital.

Speeding Up Recovery

After consulting a medical practitioner who will correctly clean and wrap the wound, you will need to keep the wound ideally sterile. You should change the dressing every day for the first week, applying a topical antibiotic ointment or cream to the area each time. Treating the wound correctly after the initial steps will ultimately help prevent painful infections. If the bite is severe, your doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics to help prevent infections.

In the event that the wound is not severe enough to seek medical attention, cleaning the wound and applying antibiotic creams is often suitable. However, it is still important to watch the wound as it heals to identify the first signs of infection, such as immense pain, oozing, puss, and a green or yellow tone surrounding the wound area.

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