Effective Ways to Provide Relief for Your Baby’s Eczema

baby feet

Children who have eczema (atopic dermatitis) frequently develop dry, itchy areas of their skin. Your youngster may feel unpleasant since the itch makes it difficult for them to sleep. Moreover, scratching might lead to an infection of the rashes.

Although there is no known treatment for eczema, it can be managed to make your child feel better. You can also assist your child in preventing eczema rashes. In this article, we will tell you the effective ways to get relief for baby eczema and get rid of the four basic eczema symptoms of dryness, itching, irritated skin (inflammation), and infection.

1. Stick to the basics

Plain old petroleum jelly is the emollient that is most frequently advised to lock moisture into the skin of babies with eczema since it is both the least expensive and one of the least likely to cause an allergic response. You can find a list of moisturizers that have been examined and found to be free of typical irritants like fragrance if you wish to try something else.

2. Reduce bath-time irritants

A bubble bath and soap crayons should be avoided if your baby has eczema since they contain abrasive soaps and colors that can dry up and irritate the skin. Yet, it doesn’t follow that your infant can’t enjoy himself in the bathtub. Get some vibrant bath toys, or play music while you rub-a-dub-dub. Also, avoid rubbing. After gently patting the skin dry and leaving it slightly damp, apply moisturizer.

3. Please stop scratching

You should keep your baby’s nails short and smooth because even unintentional scratching of the skin might cause itchiness. Put cotton mittens or socks on your baby’s hands if she scratches at night to prevent skin damage. But this should only be a temporary fix. The use of mittens regularly can start to hinder motor growth and is a symptom that the eczema isn’t under control.

4. Keep baby cool

If your baby does become sweaty, wash her off as quickly as you can (sponge baths are OK), and then reapply moisturizer. Heat, particularly sweat, can irritate the skin. Keep your baby’s room cold, even in the winter. It should just be warm enough for her to feel cozy in a onesie or light pajamas without a blanket. To keep your infant from sweating in the summer, dress them in loose, lightweight layers. A damp T-shirt might keep her skin cool if the weather is so humid and muggy that sweating is unavoidable. Try keeping moisturizer and medicinal cream in the refrigerator or an insulated lunch bag with a cold pack to make them feel more calming.

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