Deviated Septum: What Is It, Diagnosis And Treatment Options


The nasal septum is cartilage (like a thin wall) in the nose that separates the nostrils. Generally, cartilage is placed in the center and divides the nostrils in equal proportion. However, in some cases, people have an uneven septum. Thus, one nostril is larger than the other.

This condition can cause severe health conditions such as difficulty breathing or blocked nostrils. Some people also face the issue of frequent nosebleeds or sinus infections.

If you also face any of these issues, it is essential to get immediate treatment to improve your condition and quality of life.

But before you learn about the treatment, let’s take a look at the cause and diagnosis.


Deviated septum is usually congenital. But sometimes, it can also be caused due to an injury. Accidents, boxing, wrestling, or any other contact sports can lead to this injury. It is vital to get medical attention immediately after the injury.


The doctors generally examine the nostrils to check the nasal placement. After that, they check- how the placement impacts the nostril size. They might also ask you questions related to sinus problems, snoring, sleeping, difficulty breathing, or nosebleed.

Note: Make sure to visit only ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialists in your area for a consultation.


Generally, there are two types of treatments available for the deviated septum, i.e., surgical and nonsurgical.

Surgical Treatment:

Rhinoplasty: Rhinoplasty is not only done for cosmetic reasons. Instead, it can also be used to modify the bone and cartilage. According to the spokespersons offering rhinoplasty at Cheng Plastic Surgery Clinic, “nose job” can help in repairing the cracked or broken septum and reshaping the nose. This improves the functioning of the nose and also makes the septum symmetrical, improving your facial feature.

Nonetheless, you must follow all the instructions given by the surgeon and take proper precautions after the surgery. It will help reduce breathing difficulty and other symptoms such as bleeding or sinus.

Note: Sometimes, doctors might recommend septoplasty along with rhinoplasty, so it is recommended to ask about the same beforehand to avoid any difficulty later on.

Nonsurgical Treatment

Apart from surgery, the doctor can also recommend the following medication or spray to reduce the symptoms.

Decongestants: It is a medication that helps in reducing nasal tissue swelling and allows you to keep the airways of both nostrils open. They are available as nasal spray and pills. However, it is vital to consult the doctor before using them. Frequent use can lead to dependency and can also affect your situation when you stop using them.

Antihistamines: These medications help in preventing allergy symptoms such as the runny or stuffy nose. These are also useful for nonallergic conditions occurring due to cold. However, these can cause drowsiness, which will further affect your ability to perform physical activities such as driving.

Nasal Steroid Sprays: Spray helps in reducing the swelling in the nasal passage. Typically, it takes around 1 to 3 weeks for the spray to offer maximum effects. Thus, it is crucial to stick with the doctor’s instructions for the best results.  


The uneven septum is not an issue if you don’t face any breathing issues. However, it is essential to get treated immediately if your condition is getting severe. So, pay attention to the signs and consult the doctor.

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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