Calisthenics For Beginners- How To Get Started This Season


The pandemic year has been the worst one for fitness enthusiasts. Gyms aren’t opening as usual, and even if they do, joining them seems fraught with danger. You may be apprehensive about rejoining your aerobics or Zumba classes because of the fear of the virus. Setting up a home gym and daily walks seem to be the only feasible ways to stay on track. But are they enough to stay ahead of your goals? Can you be your fittest best with only these measures throughout the pandemic? These questions sound daunting if you are a devout fitness buff.

Without any doubt, you will have to think outside the box to stay on top of your regime. Thankfully, calisthenics can give you a good start with an actionable workout routine at home. These exercises rely on your body weight as resistance, so you wouldn’t need equipment to get started. It means you can have a result-oriented regime without spending even a little. But calisthenics may appear overwhelming if you have previous experience. We have a simple guide to help you overcome doubts and get started with this novel technique this year.

Combine movement with strength

If you think calisthenics is just about strength, it goes much beyond. It is also about movement with a controlled range of motion at joints. With this exercise, you get the benefits of mobility and flexibility along with stronger joints. Mastering this form of exercise requires you to combine movement with strength. You cannot expect to do it or get results with either of these. Further, these exercises incorporate the entire body into the movement. You get more strength throughout your whole body instead of focusing only on a single area at a time.

Bodyweight is enough to get you through

When it comes to calisthenics, your body weight is enough to get you through. Conversely, you use rubber weights, metal weights, resistance bands, and a whole range of equipment with conventional workouts. But your body hardly knows where the resistance comes from. You can use your body weight instead of external weights to make your muscles adapt and eventually grow. If you always feel apprehensive about lifting heavy weights to build muscle or have a great training session, you need not worry anymore. Using your as the resistance is an excellent idea as you have the freedom to work out anytime and anywhere. Additionally, you can save tons of money.

Use your brain-power

Apart from using your body weight, you can also leverage your brainpower for this form of exercise. The brain is clever, and you can try Neuroscience Calisthenics to program it to make your body move. If a joint is restricted and a workout position feels awkward, your brain will not allow you to utilize the strength of the muscles around the joint. It will keep you from stressing too hard and even lower the risk of injury during exercise. Consider it as an ingrained survival mechanism that keeps you safe even as you try movements like lunges, pull-ups, and handstands. You may need some help with the brain part of the workouts. Thankfully, you can check programs and podcasts online to get started.

Avoid comparing yourself to others

As a beginner, it seems easy to compare yourself to others. But it is the last thing you should do. You cannot take a one-size-fits-all approach to this form of exercise because everyone’s journey is different. Your starting point and success depend on several factors, such as your age, training history, past injuries, and more. Avoid comparing your roadmap and progress with others because you may take a long time to reach their level. Conversely, there are chances you may achieve more with less. Use their progress for inspiration instead of comparison.

Have realistic expectations

Another piece of advice for calisthenics newbies is to have realistic expectations right from the start. You will probably witness an excellent rate of progression at the beginning of your journey. It is easy to get over-enthusiastic as you expose your body and brain to a new training environment. You may get excited, but it elevates the risk of expecting too much or even trying to overdo things. But with calisthenics, you must earn the right to progress. It is possible by building the foundation first. Play for the long run, as it will keep you going and motivated. Further, it reduces the risk of injuries in the early phases.

Look after your joints

When you move from the beginner level to the next stage, you will have to think beyond the basics like push-ups and pull-ups. But it is easier said than done because advanced exercises ultimately load your connective tissue. The pressure on your joints is even more than traditional weight training methods. It is because the connective tissue does not receive the same blood flow as muscles, so it takes more time to adapt to the training. If you do calisthenics, you must go the extra mile with joint care. Your wrists, elbows, and shoulders need attention because they take the load.

Body alignment is vital

Body alignment is a crucial aspect of calisthenics. You do not get the support of equipment and machines like with traditional workouts. Instead, you have to support your body weight at all times. While it is a benefit of the technique, your core has to work hard in every exercise. So you cannot miss out on focusing on your body alignment, regardless of the exercises you try. You must do it as a beginner, and also as you reach more advanced levels of training.

Fitness training should be fun, no matter which forms you choose. It applies to calisthenics as well. You must enjoy your training to stay motivated and get great results. While you may start with the basics, it always makes sense to seek expert recommendations as you move ahead with the journey. A little guidance takes you a long way, so get started and have a great time moving this new way!

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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