A guide to zygomatic implants

Have you been rejected by dental clinics relating to the fitting of an oral implant? If so, don’t despair! There are other types of dental implants Bondi Junction which you may be suitable for that can resolve your aesthetic and functional requirements.

What are oral implants?

Oral implants are titanium devices that look like screws. They are affixed to the jaw through surgery and fuse to the surrounding bone over a period of between 3 to 6 months. Once fused, prosthetics can be placed such as a single tooth, a bridge or a denture. There are 4 different types of oral implants to help patients who have different clinical needs.

Zygomatic implants

If you take the standard endosteal implant and extend its length by around 3 times, you’ll have a zygomatic implant. These are options suitable for people who have issues with their upper jaw bone density or strength. As the name suggests, the zygoma or cheekbone is heavily involved. To fit a zygomatic implant, your dentist will drill through your jaw into the zygoma bone to fit it, providing more security and a lower chance of rejection.


As mentioned before, zygomatic implants are around 3 times longer than the standard oral implant, so the fitting takes longer. Your dentist will ensure that your mouth is numb and will begin drilling through the jawbone into the zygoma. The entire procedure can take up to 3 hours but once it is secured in place, it is less likely to move than other implant types.

The gums will be sewn up around the implant to help keep it in place and then, the surgery is complete. There may also be a few more X-rays, but this is to ascertain that it has been placed correctly into the zygoma bone.


When your implant has been fitted, you may experience some soreness once at home. This is completely normal and should be manageable with over-the-counter pain relief like paracetamol. It is generally advised by dental teams that you do not take ibuprofen or aspirin as these can thin the blood and can worsen bruising. Which is the last thing you want when you are recovering from surgery!

To keep the site clean, you will need to rinse it as required with salt water until the inflammation on your upper jaw recedes, which can take up to 2 weeks. Aim to eat soft healthier foods, and of course, keep your hygiene levels up. When sleeping, try to sleep on an elevated pillow. This will once again reduce bruising.


The longevity of a zygomatic implant can range from 5 to 15 years, but with most patients it will last longer. Like regular oral implants, you will need to ensure that any gum disease is treated quickly to prevent the loss of the implant. You will also need to treat any prosthetics attached to the implant as you would your regular teeth, by removing plaque and keeping the surrounding gum tissue healthy. You should also refrain from smoking and drinking excessively whilst you have a zygomatic implant, as these things can cause the body to reject the implant sooner whilst also heightening the chances of aggressive gum disease.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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