3 Frequently Asked Questions About ACL Reconstruction Surgery


An ACL injury is a sprain or tear of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) – one of the most substantial bunch of tissues that unites the thigh bone (femur) with the shinbone (tibia). These injuries usually occur during sports that require players to make sudden stops or changes in directions, landing, and jumping – like basketball, soccer, skiing, and football.

Many individuals hear a pop or experience a “popping” sensation in the knee area when this particular injury occurs. As a result, an injured person’s knee begins to swell, become painful, and feel unstable when trying to endure any weight.

Depending on the intensity of the injury, treatment may consist of rest and rehabilitation exercises to help the injured regain strength and stability. And in more severe cases, meticulous surgery replaces the torn ligament, followed by rehabilitation.

So if you are going through a similar injury and feel a bit unsure about the nature of your injury, here is a list of frequently asked questions that may have the answer to your problem. Take a look:

1. When to See a Physician?

In any case, you should seek immediate care if any knee injury occurs that shows signs or symptoms of an ACL injury. We all know that the knee joint is an intricate structure of bones, tendons, ligaments, and other tissues that work with each other. Therefore, you must seek the advice of an orthopedic knee surgeon who can provide the treatment you need. Additionally, they can provide you with the quick and correct diagnosis that will define the severity of the injury and the reasons to get the treatment it requires.

2. What Are the Causes of Injury?

As mentioned above, ligaments are a strong bunch of tissues that bind one bone to another. The ACL, one of the two ligaments found in the middle of the knee, connects your thigh bone to the shinbone and supports the knee joint.

These injuries mainly occur during fitness and sports activities that stress the knee. Below you will find the main reasons for the damage:

  • Suddenly changing the direction (cutting )of your movement and slowing down
  • Pivoting with a foot planted firmly on the ground
  • Stopping all of a sudden
  • Getting hit on the knee or getting into a collision like a football tackle

3. What Are the Ways of Prevention?

With proper training and exercise, you can reduce the risk of getting an ACL injury. However, if you are already suffering from this type of injury, consult a physical therapist for better guidance.

Below is the list of programs that can reduce the symptoms of an ACL injury:

  • Exercises to strengthen the core, pelvis, hips, and lower abdomen will toughen your knee. Additionally, workout routines that enhance the leg muscle, especially the hamstring, provide an overall equilibrium in the leg muscle.
  • Exercises and training focusing on proper techniques and position of the knee when jumping and landing from immediate jumps.
  • Training to enhance techniques when achieving cutting and pivoting movements.

In Conclusion

An ACL knee injury can make your movement impossible. Therefore, you must seek medical attention at the slightest sign of pain or uneasiness in your knee. So, make sure you give yourself the benefit of care and attention you need.

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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