Why Getting Immediate Medical Care After A Car Accident Makes Sense


Serious accidents are usually associated with catastrophic injuries and the victim can almost always expect to land up in a hospital. However, things may be different if you are involved in a seemingly small mishap. You may be tempted to skip the doctor’s visit if you feel fit and fine and there are no visible injuries. Also, this is something that people often do when they have just minor cuts and bruises. Similarly, a little pain is something you may be willing to bear rather than queue up for appointments.

But that mindset may not be right from the health perspective as there may be more serious injuries that you don’t know about at this stage. Consider this situation. A driver is texting while driving and hits your car in due negligence. Though you might not feel any pain or agony at the moment of the accident, your injuries may start to appear a little later. In such a situation, as it mentions here, https://realjustice.com/fort-lauderdale-personal-injury/car-accident/texting-and-driving/, you should seek medical help to confirm the after-effects. Expert personal injury lawyers explain that you can even file a claim from the date you start experiencing health concerns, but you’ll need to prove the cause of injury. Also, it depends upon the state where you live. Additionally, there are some legal implications of missing out on timely medical attention after a mishap. Getting immediate medical care after a car accident is important, no matter how minor the injuries may appear on the surface. Here are some reasons why you must get it sooner rather than later.

Avoid missing out on hidden injuries

Just after a collision, your body is in a high alert mode. The adrenaline gets rushing and you are more likely to experience emotions like stress, anger, and anxiety. With so much happening in your brain, there are chances that you may not even notice pain or injuries. When the adrenaline wears off, you will probably feel the physical aftermath of the accident. There could be serious underlying injuries, including such as internal bleeding, neck injuries, traumatic brain injury, and or even spinal cord injuries. Failure to get timely diagnosis and care can aggravate such issues and cause serious issues like disability. They may even turn out to be fatal. Seeing a doctor immediately after an accident is, therefore, crucial.

Keep your long-term health on track

Apart from the diagnosis and treatment of visible and latent injuries, there is much more that timely attention can do for the victim. Hidden injuries such as concussions, whiplash, and internal wounds may surface weeks later. Not only do they get worse with a delay in treatment, but they also become more expensive to treat. Besides physical suffering, you may also come across anguish and emotional trauma which can damage your mental health in the long run. Seeing a medical professional right after the accident is valuable because they can recommend the appropriate treatment for dealing with the emotional implications and help you take your life back on track.

Ensure proper documentation

Apart from cutting down the health risk, timely medical care ensures proper documentation that serves as key evidence in your compensation claim. Seeing a doctor just after the mishap is something that skilled car accident lawyers recommend. It can make all the difference as it starts a paper trail to fully document your injuries. Further, there will be diagnostic tests and medical bills that will help in the calculation of the compensation value. While the documents will strengthen your claim, their absence gives an advantage to the insurance adjuster who wouldn’t want to pay you. Rather, they would argue that the injuries were not serious, so you didn’t seek medical care right away.

Secure the settlement you deserve

Not getting medical aid right after sustaining injuries can cost you an entire claim or at least a part of its value. You may settle for a certain amount in compensation right after the accident, not even knowing that you have a major underlying injury. Once you sign the release form and settle the claim, you cannot bring it up again even if there is an expensive treatment on the cards. It is better to eliminate this risk by seeking timely treatment and ensuring that you know all about your injuries before you file for the insurance claim. Only when your lawyer has complete information will they be able to calculate the value of compensation that will cover you adequately. So you must get a complete professional medical assessment before you go ahead and settle the claim with the insurance company.

Seeing a doctor should be the first thing on your mind after a car accident because your health and well-being matter the most. This is something you shouldn’t avoid or delay even if there aren’t any major or visible injuries. Every small injury matters, more so if you don’t recognize it initially because the concern could be much more serious than you think. Getting timely help not only ensures good health in the long run but also helps you get your finances on track despite the injuries and damages.

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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