How Drug Detox can Change Your Life for the Best Forever


Addiction to alcohol and drugs affects millions of people worldwide. Developing an addiction does not take place overnight, and many factors influence it. Also, not everyone who tries a drug becomes addicted. Unfortunately, those who do develop one risk seeing their lives enter an abyssal pit of chaos.

If you or someone you care about has an addiction problem, you should know that there is hope, help, and viable solutions to get rid of it. It is in your power to decide which day is the last one that you experience that dependence. People with addictions lose control over their lives. Oftentimes, recovering from them is difficult. The best way to overcome addiction is to go to drug rehab in Nottingham where they acquire the skills required to succeed.

Rehabilitation, also known as rehab, is a long process with many stages. One of them is detoxification, often referred to as detox, which is the first and most important part of the process. This short guide on drug detoxification from Neworld Detox Centre should help you understand the issue better.

What is Drug Detoxification?

Through drug detox, a person who is addicted to a drug or alcohol attempts to stop using them. Contrary to popular misconception, going “cold turkey,” which means abruptly ending intake, is not healthy at all, and often leads to adverse consequences, and sometimes may even result in death.

Do not attempt to detox alone from substances like:

  • Alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Opiates

To get rid of your addiction and not relapse, you require professional medical supervision similar to what you would receive at Neworld Detox Centre.

Causes of Addiction

To know if you have a dependence on a drug, you would experience a powerful craving for that specific substance even when you know that you don’t need it. More than often, you use it only to get rid of that irresistible urge than for the pleasure that you get from it.

Several factors may lead to a person developing a drug addiction. However, they all fall into three categories:

1. Biology

Biological factors such as gender, ethnicity, mental health issues, and more contribute to nearly 50% of a person’s predisposition to addiction.

2. Environment

A person’s living environment can strongly influence their predisposition to addiction. Factors include physical or sexual abuse, peer pressure, early exposure to drugs and stress, and family situation, and lack of parental guidance, among others.

3. Development

If a person tries drugs in their teenage years, there is a high chance of them developing an addiction later in life. Using drugs at a tender age when their decision-making and self-control abilities have not yet developed makes them more likely to misunderstand the consequences of their actions.

The Most Common Signs of Addiction

Just as the people addicted to drugs are different so too are the symptoms, both behavioral and physical, for someone in active addiction. There are some signs that some people show, and others may show different signs. In addition to an irresistible craving or urge to use the drug, Psychology Today says the following are some signs and symptoms of addiction to look for in yourself or a loved one:

1. Lack of control over drug use

When you take more than you planned, you lose control over your drug use. The same happens when you promise yourself to stop taking them, but you give in to your cravings.

2. Hiding or lying

If you are making superhuman efforts to hide drugs from your loved ones or lie about using them, you have an addiction.

3. Struggling to maintain healthy relationships

Arguing with your loved ones, lying to them, and stealing from them to have money for drugs are all signs of having an addiction.

4. Isolating

Gradually restricting your social contacts and activities and spending most of your time alone will isolate you from people who could help you get rid of your addiction.

5. A decline in physical appearance

Lack of proper hygiene or taking care of your clothes are signs that you care more about the drugs you use than about your appearance in social situations.

6. Taking risks

When you risk your safety, or even your life, to get drugs or money for drugs, you have an addiction.

7. Withdrawal

If taking a break from using drugs makes you feel anxiety, irritability, nausea, and fatigue, you have an addiction.

How to Choose the Right Drug Detox Center for You

Generally, people who have an addiction are aware of it. From the exterior, it may seem that they do not know that they have a problem. In most cases, they do, but shaking it off is not as easy as it looks.

People have to understand that drug and alcohol addicts are not clinging to their addiction on purpose. They are the victim of a craving that they can never shake off. They are haunted by anxiety, fear, and constant yearning for a specific drug.

Medical detox is a safe management solution for eliminating an addiction. It is a lengthy process, but with help from professionals, almost anyone can get rid of their addiction and live a better, cleaner life.

If you recognize some or all of the signs of addiction in your behavior, you should seek help. The same goes for people you care for and who show these signs. The first step is finding a professional detoxification facility like Neworld Detox Centre, where you will find the necessary support to overcome your dependence.

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
