The medical field has undergone massive changes over the last decade, and it’s only getting more advanced. In 2022, many breakthroughs will come to light in the medical industry. Biotechnology, artificial intelligence and big data analysis are just a few of the innovations that will completely change how doctors practice medicine by this time next year.
From telemedicine to electronic vaccines, let’s take a look at some of the latest advancements in medicine that are almost here.
Telemedicine is the usage of medical tools and technology across great distances, allowing the remote sharing of information, diagnosis and treatment. It’s a way how we’re going to practice medicine in the future and is already making massive strides.
The ability to remotely monitor patients with chronic diseases, like diabetes, will make it easier to treat them. It’s also a boon for rural healthcare. With advanced remote technologies, it’d be possible to take the expertise of specialists who may not be available in certain areas and bring them to those people.
It’s not just a one-way street. Telemedicine allows patients to communicate with doctors – online, through video conferencing, or with audio communications. It will also allow for easier access to specialists, as traveling for medical treatment is often very difficult for patients.
Electronic Vaccines
Vaccines are one of the most important medical breakthroughs of all time. They’ve saved millions of lives and have eradicated deadly diseases that would have once been commonplace. However, the way we deliver vaccines is antiquated. We still use needles and syringes, which are full of germs, and can cause pain for the patient.
But the medical field is set to make a huge leap with the development of electronic vaccines. These vaccinations are done using a patch or bandage on the skin.
It eliminates the need for a needle and any risk of contamination in the process. Instead of having to take a trip to the doctor and pharmacy to wait in line, you’ll be able to get vaccinations wherever you are and whenever you want.
Electronic Medical Records
We’re currently in the golden age of data. Big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning are creating new ways of predicting the future, detecting diseases and understanding our planet. When it comes to medical records, we’re starting to get a glimpse of what this data can do.
For example, EHRs (electronic health records) have already begun to transform the medical field, but they’re not perfect. They’re incredibly helpful when it comes to sharing information between care facilities, but they’re not always easy to read and standardized.
Newer solutions are coming online that will make all medical records easily accessible to patients, care facilities, and physicians. It will make it easier for doctors to treat patients and for patients to get the proper care.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Artificial intelligence is all over the news these days, but how can it possibly help us in the field of medicine? AI has been around for decades, but it’s only recently that we’ve been able to make it work effectively for everyday tasks. Now, AI is being used for everything from running businesses to predicting climate change. It’s also being applied to how we manage and treat patients.
AI can analyze big data and find connections that humans might miss. It’s particularly useful in finding links between diseases that are seemingly unrelated. AI is also an excellent tool for predicting the likelihood of certain conditions among patients.
The technology of AI is helpful, but it cannot foresee what might happen in the future. So insurance is a preventive measure and a much-needed one. To make things simpler, take a look at this life insurance calculator to weigh your options.
Genomics and Newborn Screening
Genomics is another new frontier in the medical field. It’s the study of the genome, the genetic code that operates us. Genomics is being used to find links between genes and diseases like cancer. It’s being used to determine proper treatments for patients based on their unique genomes.
At the same time, it’s also helping to find early signs of disease in newborns. They are currently screened for conditions like Down Syndrome through a blood test taken at birth. This test is incredibly helpful, but it’s not always accurate.
With new advancements in genomics, it’s possible to get more precise results that are easy to read. It will make it easier for parents to understand the results and allow physicians to identify diseases and treat newborns.
Transforming Health Care
Breakthroughs in medicine are happening at a rapid pace. From biotechnology to artificial intelligence, we’re advancing quickly. With these new technologies, it’s possible to remotely monitor patients, get more accurate test results, and create personalized treatments for patients based on their specific genome.
It will make it possible to provide consistent treatment across the board, and it would be easier for patients to access the care they need.