Always Tired? Understanding Millennial Exhaustion and How to Cope

Tired businessman

Stress chooses and spares no one. But, why does it seem that today’s millennials have it harder? Why do today’s young adults seemingly feel more stressed compared to people of the same age some two decades ago?

According to the American Psychological Association, millennials are the generation that lacks sleep, causing them to feel stressed and anxious most of the time. What’s worse is that the exhaustion comes in both physical and mental states, sometimes even causing the body’s adrenal glands to overwork.

The adrenal glands are the ones that produce cortisol hormones, which help the body respond to stress. When they are overworked, it can result in adrenal fatigue, which calls for treatment. Fortunately, there are many wellness centers in Las Vegas that can offer such treatment.

The causes of millennial exhaustion

Health experts say that a wide range of factors leads to this exhaustion. These stressors include information overload, excessive exposure to social media, as well as various political, economic and social elements.

  • Technology – Technology has indeed made life easier, but it also has its drawbacks. A survey shows that about 8 out of 10 millennials use their phones every single day and even sleep next to it every night. This quick access to their mobile phones keeps them awake until the wee hours of the night. Aside from the blue light from their screens, the games they have on their phones and the music videos they see on the web also keep them from getting their much-needed rest. There’s also the bad news that they constantly see on their feeds, doing little to keep them inspired and motivated in both work and life and general.
  • Expectation vs. reality – Today’s young adults were told again and again that hard work would get you ahead in life. Unfortunately, today’s housing and wage conditions in cities don’t seem to prove that. Being optimistic works until too much work is done, leaving them stressed and fatigued. Most millennials don’t get enough downtime, often bringing work home, and again, sacrificing sleep.
  • Coming to grips with the economy – Being underpaid and facing student debts are also among the pressing concerns of millennials, thanks to the 2008 recession. On average, a millennial has over $40,000 in debt. Being underpaid and overworked is never a good mix.

The steps for coping

Couple relaxing at homeStress management also differs across generations. While older generations are more likely to read a book when feeling tired or stressed, millennials are more likely to engage in sedentary activities to “relax.” These include playing video games, surfing the internet, eating fast food, and even smoking.

These coping mechanisms, however, could only aggravate the problem. That’s because they contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle. It’s natural to engage in these behaviors now and then, but coping doesn’t have to mean sacrificing health and physiological needs. Here are the proper ways to cope with stress.

  • Take time off mobile devices or screens before bed. Dedicate an hour or less relaxing, reading a book, or having a warm shower.
  • Turn to hobbies that take time away from gadgets: dancing, cooking, swimming, or going to the gym.
  • Talk out problems to family and friends. Take note of daily activities instead of forcing to remember them the next day.
  • Consume healthier foods and maintain a more balanced diet.

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
