ADHD Study Hacks Creating a Pleasing Study Area For Those With ADHD


ADHD, otherwise known as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is a condition that affects a child’s concentration and impulse control. Other symptoms characteristic of ADHD include excessive talking, fidgeting, and forgetfulness. The symptoms of ADHD can make studying more difficult. Securing ADHD treatments from a family practice can help your child manage their symptoms, but additional actions may be required to improve their academic performance. Use the ADHD study hacks in this article to create an environment conducive to learning for your child.

Transform a Conveniently Positioned Room into a Study Area

ADHD testing can reveal the specific variant of the disorder your child is dealing with. According to the CDC, the three types of ADHD are inattentive presentation, hyperactive/impulsive presentation, and combined presentation. If your child has the inattentive or combined variation of ADHD, staying focused on studying will be a significant challenge for them. Choosing the right location for their study area can make that challenge more manageable.

Distractions are the main obstacles that can get in the way of learning for a child presenting the aforementioned types of ADHD. With that in mind, your goal should be to find a room in your home that is free from distractions. At the very least, it should have minimal potential distractions.

We’re not just talking about the elements inside the room that could distract your child. ADHD study hacks also focus on the importance of a room’s surroundings when designating it as a learning area. The room should be located far away from potential distractions, but it should also be positioned close to comfort necessities such as the bathroom. Identify the room in your home that fits those descriptions and turn it into your child’s study hub.

Turn Multiple Rooms into Learning Areas

Converting only one room into a study area may work if your child has inattentive or combined types of ADHD. However, it may not suffice for children with the hyperactive/impulsive variation of the disorder. Because they tend to move around, sticking to only one room while studying may become a challenge in and of itself.

So, how should you cater to the studying needs of kids with hyperactive/impulsive ADHD presentation? In this list of ADHD study hacks, we recommend attending to your child’s needs by creating multiple study areas. Allow them to use multiple rooms in your home for studying so they can pick up a book whenever they develop the urge to do so.

The thought of converting multiple rooms into learning areas may be troubling you. After receiving the professional medical billing for your child’s ADHD treatment, you may be unable to cover the cost of multiple room renovations. The good news is cost should not prevent you from creating those learning areas.

Your focus should be on creating comfortable, distraction-free learning environments for your child. Room renovation should not be necessary for that. Creating those environments should still be possible by rearranging furniture and making smart purchases. Encourage your child to use all available rooms while studying so they can focus as much as possible on that task.

Prioritize Comfort During the Design Process

Comfort is a critical component of any learning-friendly environment. If your child cannot get comfortable, they will constantly be distracted and fail to focus on their lessons. The effects of discomfort are even more pronounced in kids with ADHD.

Start building that comfortable space by picking out some pieces of furniture. Get the chair your child likes most and place that in the new study area. You can also pick out a new chair at the store if you have the budget for it. A beanbag is also worth considering because it can allow your child to settle in for an extended study session.

Make sure the chair pairs well with whichever desk you decide to get for the study area. You don’t have to commission wood or metal artists to create a special desk for your child. A conventional desk available at a school or office supply store should suffice. Just make sure your child likes the desk before getting it.

Lighting is another important consideration when creating a study area for your child. Natural lighting features are welcome in that learning environment because they provide sufficient yet comfortable illumination. Get in touch with a local window blinds company and see which of their products can fit in the study room. Blinds and other adjustable window treatments work best because they allow your child to control the level of lighting.

Some ADHD study hacks also highlight the importance of soundproofing. Heed those tips because loud noises can indeed distract kids with ADHD. Seal gaps and cracks along walls and windows to minimize sound pollution inside your child’s study area. You can also install additional insulation to create a peaceful environment for your child.

Install New Floors and Coverings Designed for Durability and Soundproofing

Changing the flooring is worth considering if you’re trying to design the best study area for your child. Your child may trip or slip on the floors while studying, and that could prevent them from getting any work done. Noisy floors could also double as distractions that affect your child’s study sessions.

Drop by the flooring store and pick up new tiles for the study room. Vinyl tiles are the materials best suited for study areas because they feature high-end durability and stability. The vinyl flooring should stay in good condition even if your child moves around a lot. You can also pick up vinyl sheets to cover the floors in multiple rooms if you’re going in that direction.

ADHD study hacks also note the importance of floor coverings. Carpets and other coverings work to prevent slipping and accidents. They also work to minimize noises that can distract your kids. Choose plain carpets and coverings so they don’t take your child’s focus away from their studies.

Place Organization-Focused Features Inside the Study Room

Clutter can be distracting for anyone working or studying. As you can imagine, the effects of clutter become even more pronounced for kids with ADHD. That’s why ADHD study hacks always note the importance of removing clutter from the learning area.

Regular cleaning is not the only way to eliminate clutter. You can also place organization-focused features inside your child’s study room so they can focus more on what they’re doing. Position the bookshelves inside the learning area to arrange your child’s study materials. Carefully organize the materials so your child can quickly find whatever they may need.

You should also purchase items that will help keep your child’s study desk organized. Get containers for their pens, pencils, and other items for studying and homework. Folders and binders are also useful for organization purposes. Use them to hold your child’s learning materials so they can easily access them.

Garbage containers are also must-have items inside your child’s study room. Put the garbage containers in highly visible spots so your child will remember to use them whenever they’re throwing something away. Even if your child occasionally forgets to dispose of their trash correctly, the garbage containers should still help minimize clutter.

Get a Wall Clock With a Timer for Your Child’s Learning Room

According to HuffPost, the inability to keep track of time is a common problem among individuals with ADHD. They struggle with it to the point where they cannot gauge how long specific tasks will take. Given the way many people with ADHD interpret time, it should come as no surprise that it can also become a stumbling block for effective learning. ADHD study hacks routinely highlight the importance of effective time management, and you must also account for that when designing your child’s study area.

Hourglasses and analog clocks can help your child with ADHD keep close tabs on the passage of time. However, those timers won’t be as helpful if your child is largely unfamiliar with them. Instead of helping, they may even take attention away from the study materials.

If you’re looking for a timer that works well inside your child’s new learning area, go with a digital clock with an alarm feature. Use the alarms to grab your child’s attention and direct them back to their schoolwork. The large numbers on the digital clock will also make it easier for them to visualize time. They should be able to track time better with the help of that wall accessory.

Choose Paint Colors That Promote Concentration

You don’t have to contact financial services or look for part-time job openings to create a learning environment that caters to your kid with ADHD. As you’ve seen throughout this article, many practical additions can make a significant difference in managing your child’s focus and energy. For instance, something as simple as the colors featured inside the learning area can help or harm your child’s study efforts.

Certain colors work better than others when it comes to promoting concentration. According to Sherwin-Williams, those colors include blues, greens, and muted shades of brown. ADHD study hacks also point out that pastel colors can help create ideal learning environments.

The aforementioned colors are typically the ones that work best for helping maintain focus, but they may not work for your child. Because of the way your child perceives a specific color, it may work as more of a distraction instead of something that keeps them on track. Ask for their opinions regarding the colors we mentioned in this section of the article. If your child has no strong feelings about them, you should be able to use them in the study room with no problem.

Adorn the Study Area’s Walls With Learning-Oriented Décor

The working areas provided by granite countertops inside kitchens look more like blank canvases waiting to be used by a skilled cook. To a child with ADHD, the blank walls in their learning area may also look like blank canvases perfect for doodles and other artistic creations. You should avoid leaving the walls blank so they don’t encourage your child to engage in activities unrelated to studying. Covering them with learning-oriented décor will help your kid focus on their tasks.

Learning-oriented décor can translate to all kinds of items. A calendar can help because it can remind your child about the tasks they need to complete for the day. Personalized to-do lists plastered on the walls can also help.

Some ADHD study hacks also recommend using small chalkboards as learning room décor. Chalkboards can be useful additions because they give your child additional working surfaces for taking notes. That said, they could also become distractions that encourage doodling and daydreaming. Observe how your child uses those chalkboards to determine if they should become long-term fixtures in the study area.

Add Personal Items to the Study Space

Finally, you can create the best learning environment for your child by adding their favorite items to the study area. At first, taking this step may seem counterintuitive. The ADHD study hacks we’ve detailed so far mainly focus on minimizing distractions. Adding personal items to that environment would seemingly only serve to distract your child.

While there is a chance that those personal items can distract your child, their absence may have even stronger effects. Your child may not be able to focus on their studies because they are constantly wondering about their favorite blanket or pillow. They may run back and forth between their bedroom and the study area to check up on their favorite belongings.

When your child is in their learning area, you want all their energy and focus concentrated in that space. You can do that by giving them no reason to leave. Turn that room into their favorite part of your home so they get more into studying whenever they have the time.

ADHD can hinder your child’s learning, but managing it is possible. Create the ideal home learning environment for your child and watch their academic performance improve. Use the tips in this article to create that learning space. You can also visit our website for more ADHD study hacks!

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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