9 Science-Backed Ways To Lose Weight

weight loss

Many people have long imagined themselves thin and losing weight. There are currently many weight-loss programs and fad diets available to them. Some are considered outright scams that promise individuals a quick and easy way to lose weight.

These programs and diets usually don’t have any scientific evidence to support their claims. Thus, it can be dangerous to individuals committed to these programs and diets. There could be unforeseen adverse effects experienced by individuals if not addressed immediately.

Fortunately, there are also now available weight loss strategies that are science-backed. These have a considerable impact on individuals’ weight management and journey. They are much safer and much more effective when utilized.

1. Track Diet and Exercise

When you want to lose weight, it’s critical that you’re very aware of what you eat and drink every day. It’s helpful to use a journal, notebook, or online food tracker to input your food and drink intake every meal. Numerous research has cited this method of tracking diet as an effective way to maintain weight loss progress.

Consistent tracking of exercises and physical activities effectively helps with weight loss. This is made possible through consuming pre-workout supplements and setting up realistic weekly weight-loss goals.

2. Try Intermittent Fasting

Another effective science-backed method is trying intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is a method of diet that involves making a pattern of when you’re going to fast and when you’re going to eat.

Research shows that short-term intermittent fasting is effective, especially among overweight individuals, when done for at least 24 hours. Among the most common intermittent fasting pattern is:

  • 5:2 Diet – Two out of seven days is the fasting schedule. You can only eat 500-600 calories on the fasting days.
  • 16/8 Method – Fasting for 16 hours and eating only during the 8-hour eating window.
  • Alternate Day Fasting – You’ll need to fast every other day. When it’s a non-fasting day, you’ll have your typical diet.

3. Employ an Eating Practice

Being mindful of how and where you eat affects your weight loss journey. The mindful eating practice will enable you to enjoy your food while maintaining your healthy weight. You’ll be fully aware of the food you’re eating, meaning you’re also controlling the kinds of food you eat.

Among the techniques to remember when employing a mindful eating practice are:

  • Avoid distraction while eating – limit your television, laptop, or phone usage.
  • Sit down to eat at a table – you should eat at the table to have your full attention on the food. You’re also going to have a better eating experience.
  • Eat slowly – it’s important to chew slowly so that you’ll be able to savor the food. It gives your brain enough time to recognize the signs that you’re already full, preventing overeating.
  • Make considered food choices – if you’re mindful, you can choose foods that have nourishments and will satisfy you for hours.

4. Add Protein to Breakfast

According to research, a high-protein breakfast lasts several hours, enabling you to remain full. It’s because protein helps regulate appetite hormones, causing a decrease in hunger hormones and an increase of satiety hormones. Eggs, oats, sardines, and nuts are good sources of proteins.

5. Cut Back on Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates 

Increased sugar and refined carbohydrate intake have links to obesity. Refined carbohydrates do not contain fiber, so food is easily digested and turned into glucose. Excess glucose in the body provokes insulin, storing fat in the adipose tissue and resulting in weight gain.

6. Consume Plenty of Fiber

Consuming a lot of fiber increases the feeling of being full, leading to eating less and losing weight. Among the fiber-rich foods that you should eat are:

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grain
  • Peas and beans

7. Balance Gut Bacteria

Some gut bacteria increase the amount of energy you can harvest from food. It can lead to fat deposition and weight gain. To prevent this, you should focus on eating foods that provide good gut bacteria, like fermented and prebiotic foods. They enhance and stimulate the good gut bacteria’s function and growth.

8. Increased Sleep

Studies have shown that only five to six hours every night can lead to obesity. There’s a slow-down process of converting calories to energy. In addition, there’s also an increase in insulin. When this happens, your body’s metabolism is less effective. Your body’s unused stored energy becomes fat.

9. Manage Stress Level

It’s critical that you manage your stress very well. Stress triggers hormone release, which leads to an increase in appetite. When your stress-eat, you’ll eat more than the usual amount of food you consume.

You can manage your stress through:

  • Doing yoga or meditation
  • Employing breathing and relaxation techniques
  • Spending time outdoor

Final Thoughts

When you want to lose weight, you can’t just rely on quick and easy methods. Your weight loss method must be science-backed for it to be more effective. This would help you reach your weight goals and prevent you from having any weight loss journey problems.

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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