Elements Of A Great Pharmaceutical Packaging Design


The pharma sector is a highly regulated one because it has to prioritize patient health and longevity. While the quality of medicines and supplements is crucial, manufacturers need to be equally attentive about product packaging. The right one ensures the quality, integrity, and safety of the products. At the same time, it keeps your business on the right side of regulatory guidelines in the industry. You need to make sure that your packaging material and design cover all fronts because consumer safety and business reputation are at stake. It is possible only if the packaging has the right elements, so knowing and implementing them is crucial. Here are the ones you must prioritize.


The design of pharmaceutical bottles, boxes, and strips must include the required information about the product. According to the compliance guidelines, the information must include the name of the drug, active ingredients, expiration date, directions to follow, and special storage conditions or precautions. Additionally, it must also show details regarding the manufacturer’s name, address, and batch number. While all the information must be there, it also has to be readable. Fitting all the text on a small bottle or strip can be challenging, but manufacturers need to collaborate with design specialists who can ensure compliance.


Safety should be on top of your checklist while evaluating packaging for your pharma products. As a rule, the material should keep the drug safe for consumption until it reaches the expiration date. Quality material will not leach contaminants into the product and maintain its integrity over time. It is equally important to have child-resistant packaging because most drugs are harmful to children. You cannot sell a product in a package that is easy to tear. An average household has kids around, and there is always a chance they will reach the medicine cabinet at some point. However, child-proof packaging materials can prevent fatal mishaps even if the young ones manage to get their hands on medicines. Further, you will have to ensure compliance as it is synonymous with the safety of packaging materials.


Non–biodegradable materials can have an adverse impact on the environment, so it becomes important for businesses to avoid using them. Not surprisingly, businesses across all domains are going the extra mile with the sustainability trend. The pharma industry is not an exception. Many companies are opting for recyclable materials instead of single-use plastics for packaging. The good news is that consumers are also keen on embracing the trend and expect manufacturers to stick with recyclable and biodegradable materials. You only need to find the right packaging supplier that offers the best options in such materials.

Apart from these key elements in pharma packaging, you must opt for durable materials that can bear the brunt of packing and supply chain processes. The medicines and supplements packed therein should reach the users with the assurance of safety and integrity. After all, patient health matters the most to healthcare providers, and pharma companies are a part of the chain.

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