Back To Work: How To Ensure Workplace Virus-Safety


Even as the world gets a step closer to resolving the COVID crisis with an effective vaccine, it is still far from over. The virus is still looming large, and people may get infected without the right precautions. Unless you have already had it or are vaccinated, you are at risk. But as life gets back on track and businesses reopen, employers need to go the extra mile with employee safety. A lot depends on keeping your workplace virus-free. Fortunately, you can achieve it with the right measures in place. Here are expert recommendations you can follow to have a reliable virus-safety program for your office or commercial establishment.

Establish hygiene norms for employees

Good hygiene is the primary protection strategy against the infection. You will have to start by establishing hygiene norms for the employees. These must include rules such as repeated hand washing, using hand rubs, and adhering to sneezing and coughing etiquette. You also need to ensure that these rules also apply to everyone who visits the establishment apart from the workforce. Implementing these measures will not only keep people safe but also enhance the reputation of your business in the long run. Besides the hygiene norms, you also need to enforce social distancing regulations at the office to keep a check on the spread of the virus.

Have cleaning and sanitation procedures

It is equally vital to have proper cleaning and sanitation procedures in place. The virus thrives on surfaces and lives long enough to spread the infection rapidly. Frequent cleaning and sanitation of all surfaces curb the risk, while you need to make extra efforts for high-traffic surfaces. Every employee should bear the responsibility for cleaning their workstations, while you need to have a team to handle the job for all other parts of the establishment. Apart from doing it manually, you can look for an electrostatic sprayer for sale to bring speed and efficiency to the process. The portable device is easy to use and ensures uniform dispersal of a disinfectant liquid solution, so you get reliable and lasting protection.

Pay attention to air quality and ventilation systems

Air quality and ventilation are other significant aspects of keeping your workplace virus-safe. Office spaces are prone to air contamination agents, such as volatile organic compounds from cleaning products, mold, bacteria, and viruses. Lack of proper ventilation can exacerbate the presence of these contaminants and worsen the air quality. Maintaining a healthy indoor environment with good ventilation and high air quality is the need of the hour. It may require investment in some structural changes. But the effort is worthwhile because it will ensure the health and safety of your employees and customers. You can do the extra bit by installing advanced air filters.

When it comes to ensuring safety for your workplace and employees in the COVID era, no investment is too much. These measures can prevent the spread of the infection, which is vital to keep your business up and running even through these difficult times. Moreover, every effort you make for employee wellness enhances your reputation as an employer.

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